Pitch Investors at No Charge.
Pitch to a majority of the Angels and VCs around Dallas conveniently at this event at no cost. On a merit basis we will be choosing 10 startups, 10 A-/B-Round companies, and 10 corporate driven internal product development initiatives with the most promise of driving new growth and additional jobs. In addition to press, recognition, and free pitching to the angels and VCs, post conference we will also be distributing their contact info so that you may follow-up plus a large bundle of useful free services by our key corporate sponsors to be announced shortly. The Top Three will also be awarded individual pitch appointments with a number of the top VCs in Michigan.
AWARDS. The judges will also announce the following awards at the conclusion:• Top Three
• Most Innovative
• Largest Market Potential
• Most Beneficial Impact
• Most Likely to Drive Additional Jobs
• Strongest Starting Team
• Audience Choice
A. Instructions for Presenters ACTIVELY RAISING.
1. Email the following 20 days before the event to: Judges @ DallasVentureSummit.org (remove spaces):
a) Make the email Subject: "Pitch Request from Company" (i.e. "Pitch Request from ABC Widgets").
b) In the body of the email include these 9 bullets plus the 2 attachments below.
• Company Name.
• HQ City/State.
• Main Contact (name, title, email, cell).
• Any Affiliation (write: None, University name, Accelerator name, etc).
• Product Stage (write: Idea, Beta, Active Sales).
• Revenue in the last 3 months (zero does not disqualify).
• Funding raised to date (zero does not disqualify).
• How many on your team. How many of these Full-time.
• ONE short sentence on what the product/service is.
c) Attach a Short Presentation Deck (about 5 minutes, Powerpoint or PDF format) and,
d) Attach a Short Executive Summary (if none use this Application Form).
2. About 15 days before the event, semi-finalists will be notified of their pitch date to the judges by webconference. 10 days before the event all applicants will be notified if they made the cut or not to present or have a tabletop at the event. Those that made it into the presentation rounds should practice their pitches and reduce their decks as needed to ensure they do not exceed 5 minutes.
3. On the day of the event the founder or designated individual will be admitted at no charge. If a tabletop was assigned you may set up as early as 7 a.m. and registration/browsing of the tabletops by the Angels, VCs, and key CEOs will begin at 8 am. Please see the full day's detailed agenda on the home page for pitch times (sequence will be alphabetical by company within your pitch group that we will publish a week before the event).
4. Post-Conference we will provide additional publicity to the presenting companies, winners, and we also encourage you to reach out directly to the appropriate angel groups and venture firms near you just in case they missed your presentation on AngelPool (we will provide their contact info to the presenters).
Fees. There are no fees of any kind to the presenters (the organizers are all volunteers).
B. Instructions for Presenters NOT Actively Raising.
1. Email the following 20 days before the event to: Judges @ DallasVentureSummit.org (remove spaces):
a) Make the email Subject: "Non-Raise Pitch Request from Company" (i.e. "Non-Raise Pitch Request from ABC Widgets").
b) In the body of the email include these 9 bullets plus the 2 attachments below.
• Company Name.
• HQ City/State.
• Main Contact (name, title, email, cell).
• Any Affiliation (write: None, University name, Accelerator name, etc).
• Product or Service name.
• Product Stage (write: Idea, Beta, Active Sales).
• How many jobs may this create over the next 5 years if successful?
• ONE short sentence on what the product/service is.
c) Attach a Short Presentation Deck (about 5 minutes, Powerpoint or PDF format) and,
(We do not need your financials or executive summary since you are not actively raising.
2. About 15 days before the event, semi-finalists will be notified of their pitch date to the judges by webconference. 10 days before the event all applicants will be notified if they made the cut or not to present or have a tabletop at the event. Those that made it into the presentation rounds should practice their pitches and reduce their decks as needed to ensure they do not exceed 5 minutes.
3. On the day of the event the main contact designated above will be admitted at no charge. If a tabletop was assigned you may set up as early as 7 a.m. and registration/browsing of the tabletops by the Angels, VCs, and key CEOs will begin at 8 am. Please see the full day's detailed agenda on the home page for pitch times (sequence will be alphabetical by company within your pitch group that we will publish a week before the event).
4. Post-Conference we will provide additional publicity to the presenting companies, winners, and we also encourage you to reach out directly to the appropriate angel groups and venture firms near you just in case they missed your presentation on AngelPool (we will provide their contact info to the presenters).
Fees. There are no fees of any kind to the presenters (the organizers are all volunteers).